
Relative Construction Costs by U.S State (2025 Update)

An outline of the United States with different-sized dollar signs all over the place.


Update: I am now updating the table by using an AI model to analyze extensive publicly available construction cost data, including population data, consumer price data, labor & wage trends, material cost indices, regional construction indices, and local market condition analysis, as well as my company’s private records relating to contractor bids and contractor invoice breakdowns. (The private records were anonymized during the process.)

This list of construction cost multipliers for U.S. states is intended to give you a very rough idea of how construction costs can vary according to location. These are broad guidelines and I make no claim or assertion as to the accuracy or applicability of these numbers.

Important Note: Location cost factors vary by the specific source, methodology, building type, and timeframe. Many of the most detailed and accurate data sets (such as the RSMeans City Cost Index) are behind paywalls or require subscriptions. Such data was not used to create this table. The figures below are intended as illustrative, approximate “order-of-magnitude” regional construction costs. Always consult current, project-specific data or a cost-estimating professional for precise numbers.

Disclaimer: These local cost factors are generalized indices reflecting an average of labor, materials, and local market conditions. Actual costs can differ significantly based on the scope of work, site constraints, labor availability, and inflationary pressures. Always verify with up-to-date, location-specific construction data.

Table: Relative Construction Costs by State (and City)

This table provides a local cost factor or multiplier that you can use to compare typical construction costs from place to place. Multiply the national average cost for any particular construction project by the local factor. This will give you a rough idea of how much more or less expensive that project will be due to its location.

Relative Construction Costs by U.S. State (2025)
Including Selected Largest Cities
State (or City) Local Cost Factor
National Average 1.00
Alabama 0.80
(Birmingham) 0.83
Alaska 1.31
(Anchorage) 1.31
Arizona 0.86
(Phoenix) 0.90
Arkansas 0.80
(Little Rock) 0.83
California 1.38
(Los Angeles) 1.35
(San Diego) 1.32
(San Francisco) 1.48
(San Jose) 1.37
Colorado 0.91
(Denver) 0.95
Connecticut 1.28
(Bridgeport) 1.28
Delaware 1.20
(Wilmington) 1.20
Florida 0.85
(Jacksonville) 0.84
(Miami) 0.90
Georgia 0.88
(Atlanta) 0.90
Hawaii 1.44
(Honolulu) 1.48
Idaho 0.88
(Boise) 0.88
Illinois 1.22
(Chicago) 1.30
Indiana 1.02
(Indianapolis) 1.05
Iowa 0.97
(Des Moines) 0.97
Kansas 1.02
(Wichita) 1.02
Kentucky 0.96
(Louisville) 0.98
Louisiana 0.82
(New Orleans) 0.85
Maine 0.86
(Portland) 0.88
Maryland 0.93
(Baltimore) 1.00
Massachusetts 1.35
(Boston) 1.40
Michigan 1.03
(Detroit) 1.08
Minnesota 1.14
(Minneapolis) 1.18
Mississippi 0.80
(Jackson) 0.80
Missouri 1.07
(Kansas City) 1.10
Montana 0.97
(Billings) 0.97
Nebraska 0.88
(Omaha) 0.90
Nevada 1.23
(Las Vegas) 1.20
New Hampshire 0.93
(Manchester) 0.93
New Jersey 1.34
(Newark) 1.34
New Mexico 0.88
(Albuquerque) 0.88
New York 1.20
(New York City) 1.58
North Carolina 0.80
(Charlotte) 0.84
North Dakota 0.92
(Fargo) 0.92
Ohio 1.02
(Columbus) 1.00
Oklahoma 0.83
(Oklahoma City) 0.85
Oregon 1.08
(Portland) 1.10
Pennsylvania 1.15
(Philadelphia) 1.25
(Pittsburgh) 1.20
Rhode Island 1.25
(Providence) 1.28
South Carolina 0.80
(Charleston) 0.84
South Dakota 0.82
(Sioux Falls) 0.82
Tennessee 0.80
(Memphis) 0.82
(Nashville) 0.86
Texas 0.78
(Austin) 0.85
(Dallas) 0.80
(El Paso) 0.77
(Fort Worth) 0.80
(Houston) 0.78
(San Antonio) 0.78
Utah 0.80
(Salt Lake City) 0.85
Vermont 0.85
(Burlington) 0.85
Virginia 0.85
(Virginia Beach) 0.88
Washington (State) 1.10
(Seattle) 1.15
Washington, D.C. 1.10
West Virginia 1.12
(Charleston) 1.12
Wisconsin 1.13
(Milwaukee) 1.15
Wyoming 0.90
(Cheyenne) 0.90



How and Why I Made This Table

(See the update in the introduction above.)

As a commercial roof consultant, I’ve had clients with real estate assets in many different states. I’ve been asked to prepare budgets that include roof replacement costs for properties around the country, sometimes in places where I haven’t worked before. These clients depend on the accuracy of these budget estimates.

I’ve done a lot of research on local construction costs in order to improve the accuracy of my budget projections. One very useful thing I did was put together a list of construction cost multipliers that lets me quickly modify my cost estimates according to the location of the project.

My estimates of relative construction costs by state are produced using data from several different sources. One thing I do is compare costs from my own project, property, and account files. These files contain extensive price data for actual construction projects bid on by contractors around the county.

I also occasionally contact contractors and building supply companies and just ask them what current prices are, although contractors and manufacturers can be very cagey about giving out price information. (If you want a straightforward, honest answer, it helps when you’re the one specifying manufacturers and putting bid lists together.) There are also several publicly available cost and price databases. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is a particularly good source of information.

State university systems are also excellent sources of local construction cost data which can be compared state by state. These entities have to make the costs of their construction projects available to the public. The available project documents typically include the actual contractor bids for real projects and are often broken down to the level of unit and square foot prices.

Factors that Determine Relative Construction Costs

Real Estate Prices

This almost goes without saying, but if you’re building new, the cost of real estate is going to be a huge factor. You can see the median home prices in every state here. You can see recent changes in housing costs by state here.

Construction costs for existing properties (such as replacing a roof) are also affected by real estate prices, in the sense that a rising tide lifts all boats (and drives up all prices).

Labor Costs

The difference in local labor wage rates is the biggest factor in the overall difference in construction costs from state to state.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides detailed data on current and historical labor costs for states and metropolitan areas. I used the BLS local labor cost data as a major input for the relative construction cost data table above.

Local cost of living is a big driver of wage levels. Regional price parities (by state) can be seen here.

Local Government

Local taxes, permit costs, and other fees are another (usually minor) factor when it comes to the difference in construction costs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Shipping Costs

The cost of transporting building materials affects construction costs. Shipping costs can be a significant factor in places like Hawaii and Alaska, where materials cannot be shipped directly from a factory via freight train or even truck.

Even where the actual cost of shipping is low, there are also local transportation surcharges, tolls, and taxes to take into account.

Local Environment

Construction material and building component requirements for similar projects vary according to local building and energy codes. A prime example of this is the different insulation R-value requirements that are determined by climate zone. A low-slope roof installed in Vermont may need twice as much insulation as a similar roof installed in Florida.

Building codes are often modified to account for local weather variables like hurricanes, snow, and average temperatures (both extreme heat and extreme cold weather affect building costs).

Things like corrosive coastal environments and the prevalence of earthquakes may also affect the types of materials that can be used and the structural standards that must be met.

Jack Gray Profile Picture.

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